Development of Lake
Okeechobee Environmental Model
is working on the development of Lake Okeechobee Environment Model
(LOEM) for the South Florida Water Management District. Based on the
Lake Okeechobee hydrodynamic and sediment model previously developed by
AEE for the District, AEE is adding the water quality submodel, the
sediment diagenesis submodel, and the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)
submodel to the LOEM. Key model state variables include: carbon,
chlorophyll, coliform bacteria, dissolved oxygen, silica, phosphorus,
and nitrogen.
Development of Surface Water Management System in St. Lucie Estuary and
India River Lagoon
is working on the project of St.
Lucie 3D Water Quality Model Development
for the South Florida Water Management District.
The surface water management system will serve as an analytical and management tool for
developing Pollution Load Reduction Goals, determining the nutrient range
in the SLE/IRL, and making regulatory decisions. The
model grid contained 1161 horizontal grid cells and 6 vertical layers. The tasks include hydrodynamic, sediment, and water quality development,
and applications of the calibrated and verified model to water quality
management. The hydrodynamic and sediment model has been developed and
calibrated. AEE is currently adding the water quality submodel, sediment
diagenesis submodel, and the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) submodel
to the St. Lucie and Indian River Lagoon model. Key model state variables
include: organic carbon, chlorophyll a, coliform bacteria, dissolved
oxygen, silica, phosphorus, and nitrogen.
model is using 10 years of water quality data (1991-2000) for calibration
and verification. The calibrated and verified model will be applied to
study a variety of water quality management scenarios, including sediment
dredging options, light attenuation and the associated water quality
parameters, distributions of SAV, and contaminant transport in the
TMDL Development for Salt Creek, West and
East Branch DuPage River
team members developed the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
for the Salt Creek, the West Branch and the East Branch DuPage River in
Illinois. These impaired waterbodies are located in urban Chicago area and
were placed on Illinois 303(d) list for several water quality impairments
including nutrients, fecal coliform, metals, chloride and suspended
solids. The TMDL development tasks included acquiring available data,
determining the data sets best suited for TMDL development, understanding
the state of the watershed and its elements, and
all potential sources of stream impairments.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency¨s HSPF watershed model, Better
Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS)
analysis system,
and in-stream water quality model QUAL2E were used to characterize the
watershed and to
TMDL allocations. The watershed models were calibrated using information
from three United States Geological Survey (USGS) gages.
Hydrodynamic and Sediment
developed the Lake Okeechobee Sediment Transport Model for the South Florid Water Management District. The model grid contained 2,126
horizontal grid cells and 5 vertical layers. The hydrodynamic calibration
simulation included a predictive, dynamically coupled simulation of,
temperature, and suspended sediment. The model is calibrated and verified using two sets of measured data, one
set in 1989 and the other in 2000.
Enhancements to the model
include: 1) multi-year sediment bed model is developed and tested in the
lake, 2) the wind wave modeling results from wind
wave model (SWAN)
are used in orbital velocity and bottom shear stress calculation, and 3)
the computed bottom shear stress is applied for the sediment resuspension
modeling to present the sediment deposition and resuspension processes
calibrated and verified model was applied to study a variety of water
quality management scenarios, including water elevation change, light
attenuation change, sediment deposition and transportation, hurricane
impact of deposition and resuspension, and contaminant

Wind Wave
simulate the wind-wave effects on sediment resuspension, AEE
applied a spectral wind wave model SWAN (Simulation WAves Nearshore) to
Lake Okeechobee. This model included the effects of refraction, shoaling,
and blocking in wave propagation. It accounted for wave dissipation by
whitecapping, bottom friction, and depth-induced wave breaking. The
wave-wave interaction effect was also included in this model. Measurements
of wind and wave heights were made at different stations and different
time periods in Lake Okeechobee. Significant wave height values were
computed from the recorded data. The correlation between wind stress and
significant wave height also was analyzed. A six-day simulation using 1989
data was conducted for model calibration. Another six-day simulation using
1996 data was conducted for model verification. The simulated significant
wave heights were found to agree reasonably well with measured significant
wave heights for calibration and verification periods. Agreement between observed and simulated values was based on graphical
comparisons, mean, absolute and root mean square errors, and correlation
coefficient. Comparisons showed that the model reproduced both general
observed trends and short term fluctuations.
This wind wave model
played a critical role in the later studies on sediment transport, water
quality and eutrophication, and lake restoration planning.
Watershed Modeling for Water Quality Concerns
AEE worked on identifying requirements and outlining a cost-effective
approach for water quality modeling to satisfy several objectives of the
Department of Marine Resources (DMR) Coastal Resource Management Program,
Mississippi. AEE developed a modeling approach in order to help DMR
coordinate their efforts with other state and Federal agencies.
The modeling approach
attempted to satisfy the following objectives:
The model should be useful to DMR¨s Coastal Resource Management
Plan (CRMP) in evaluating impacts to coastal fisheries from current and
future land uses. In particular, the model should be capable of evaluating
the effects of wetland loss and wetland restoration on water quality.
The modeling effort should be consistent with and take advantage of
ongoing modeling efforts being conducted by Mississippi Department
of Environmental Quality for the purpose of developing TMDLs.
The modeling effort should build on and be consistent with DMR¨s
current watershed and wetlands assessments and the GIS data used to
support these assessments.
The modeling effort should be scalable to regional modeling of
larger watersheds using a simpler approach to target other areas of
potential water quality concerns.
Potential parameters
to consider include nutrients, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform,
sedimentation, pesticides and herbicides, and heavy metals. Potential
sources of pollution include various land use practices,
such as farming, animal feed lots, septic systems, timber practices,
roads, construction, and development.
Florida Bay
Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling
AEE is currently
working on a 3D hydrodynamic, sediment, eutrophication, and submerged
aquatic vegetation (SAV) model in the Florida Bay. The model has been
calibrated and verified against measured data from 1996 to 2002 for 7
The hydrodynamic model calibration focuses on
the ability of the model to predict tidal, sub-tidal frequency sea
level, currents, salinity, and temperature. Various quantitative
approaches including harmonic and time series analysis are used to
evaluate calibration as well a visual comparisons of model predictions
with observational data. Two model grid configurations are also
evaluated. The first configuration truncates the grid along the nominal
coast line in North East Florida Bay, while the second configuration
includes a large wet land region along the North East boundary of the
Bay which dynamically interacts with open water regions.

Modeling Metal Processes in St. Lucie
Estuary and EFDC Training
For NOAA, AEE worked on the modeling of metals in
the St. Lucie Estuary (SLE). This study was focused on the modeling of
sediment and copper processes in the St. Lucie system and was based on
previous hydrodynamic and water quality modeling studies of the SLE. The
SLE copper model consists of four interrelated model components: 1)
copper sources to the SLE, 2) hydrodynamic transport, 3) sediment
transport, deposition, and resuspension, and 4) copper cycling in the
water column and sediment bed. The developed model was applied to
simulate the fate and transport of copper in the SLE. The modeling
results were compared with available data in the area and were
qualitatively consistent with the measured Cu data. The model was also
applied to explain the Cu deposition patterns revealed in the measured
An EFDC training was also
conducted at the SFWMD. Trainees included representatives from NOAA,
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and SFWMD.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is getting
increasingly more popular in many countries of the world where excessive
water is captured and injected into aquifers for future use. The
success of an ASR system requires good knowledge of geology,
hydrogeology and geochemistry of the site. Extensive studies are
being conducted in order to understand the migration of injected
"bobbles" so that better recovery rate could be achieved.